giovedì 24 maggio 2007

Consiglio di Amministrazione

Divino 22 migratorio 650 A.C.
Seguiamo cosi' l'uscere della mia gilda verso la sede. I miei colleghi sono attratti dal monumento all'Hevent Horizont, cosi' ci informiamo sulla storia dell'imbarcazione.
Pare che essa fosse di proprietà del grande Scott Columbus, menzionato nell'antico libro di storia tra i vecchi capogilda. Al comando della nave, ammiraglia della flotta, c'era Ray Columbus, figlio di Scott stesso. La nave scomparve nella breve tratta verso Tringli e nessuna traccia ne fu mai ritrovata. il monumento fu eretto per commemorare la sventura.

Proseguiamo verso il palazzo della gilda, e qui scopriamo che siamo attesi nel consiglio di amministrazione. Al tavolo con noi siede la gente piu' importante della città: il sindaco Onassis in persona, il potentissimo Mammon, Dakkar ammiraglio della flotta, Shilock gestore del banco dei pegni, Marcinkus il banchiere, il nostro amico Vito, Meshif il commerciante di tappeti e un certo Ghid, orefice. Scopriamo che l'evento tragico ricordato dal monumento non è un caso isolato: nello stesso periodo altre navi sono scomparse. L'Event non fu la prima, ma le altre sparizioni eran state taciute. Tra le perdite anche la Zucchina Bagnata, della confraternita dei contadini.
E da qualche mese (2-3) a questa parte le sparizioni sono riprese: già due navi sono scomparse nella breve tratta, senza lasciar segno alcuno. Entrambe eran piccole imbarcazioni che viaggiavano da sole, ma il segnale rimane preoccupante. A noi ovviamente tocca indagare, ma la cosa interessante è che la richiesta giunge dal capogilda stesso, il signor Storm. Ci vengono promesse 400-500 monete, piu' uin eventuale bonus se la cosa dovesse dimostrarsi piü difficile del previsto.

Tornati a casa per organizzarci, veniamo di nuovo interrotti e convocati da Ciproxin, che ci porta dal giudice supremo, in barba ad ogni proposito di basso profilo. Norme vuole essere informato sugli sviluppi ed è molto interessato da quanto gli raccontiamo. Emergono dei suoi sospetti su Ectadon, che è sempre stato interessato al potere e potrebbe essere deluso dal fatto di essere arrivato a diventare capo delle guardie proprio quando questa carica ha perso gran parte del suo potere. Quando gli diciamo della furia sembra molto interessato e chiede a noi di prenderla per lui, in modo da tenerla fuori portata dai Figli. Stabiliamo dei complicati metodi di comunicazione (lascio questa parte a Ilirn, tant io ben presto partirö, magari in barca), e ci facciamo consigliare le prossime mosse. Il giudice supremo sostiene la necessità di un blitz nella casa incriminata, prima che i Figli scoprano cio' che sappiamo. Sicuramente questa non è una cosa per me.

Il nostro informatore Ibanez ci racconta eccitato ciö che già sappiamo: ieri notte 3 uomini in nero sono entrati in prigione e poi scesi verso sud. Su Eptadon non cirassicura molto. Vi era molto affezionato, ma anche Ectadon l'ha abbandonato dopo il declino.

Passiamo il resto della giornata nell'archivio dell'anagrafe, sperando di trovare informazioni interessanti. Scopriamo solo qualche indicazione sulle abitazioni di personaggi famosi, e che il mio maestro Nirkadal ha rinunciato due anni fa ad un cambio di sesso.

Ilirn incontra poi il nostro nuovo contatto con Ectadon. E' il figlio del militare, e i due stabiliscono un imbarazzante codice per incontri segreti. Il giovane risponde all'altrettanto imbarazzante nome di Duropen.

Per sfogarmi passo la serata al casino'. Due infami damigelle mi spennano per bene al blackjack. Ho preso una decisione: mi prendero' una casa in affitto, in modo di crearmi una nuova identità e staccarmi dal gruppo. Ho già una nuova tessera grazie al giudice! Nella mia casetta, potrei studiare un metodo scientifico per recuperare qualche moneta al casino...

giovedì 17 maggio 2007

Back hole fun

Lunare 21 migratorio 650 A.C.

Our blond friend Ruvax tells us about his daily tour. Surprisingly no guard mentioned the gruop coming in with two prisoner and my own body. Amandil and Ilirn are investigating how the Figli della Notte get information by the guards. The Conte has discovered that Ectadon informs those bloody bastards once in a while. And the guard at the ports of the city obviously report to Ectadon himself.

After a strong remainder from the Guard chief, my companions decide it's time to pay the mercenaries that helped them last night. The arena manager is not happy about the actual situation. Law restriction are bad for his business, and dueling to the last blood is rarely achieved.

Our friend Ruvax comes again, this time with interesting news: he has seen Guilderstain going out of the city, fetching an horse and running away..

Eptadon calls for us and we go back to the gendarmery. He is looking again for information on Strider, but he doesn't present any prove on our friend guiltiness. Since Ilirn seems to willing to talk to stop him, I decide it's a money question. We get 150 bucks just to tell the place where we found him. And a new request comes up: since the "Bivio" is outside Axegard juridical power and we should fetch his criminal and bring him in the guards arms, dead or alive. The promised prize is good, even if expressed in coconuts, but I liked old good Strider, and I think I'll let him live. Rather, I shall send a warning to this poor haunted man.

Ilirn goes back to study. Probably that's what I should do too.. However for tonight I want to get some fun. I don't want to die again with lot of money around.. Let's waste some. I go straight to the brothel. pretending to inquire about Ectadon and his room n° 17, where we think he might be in contact with the Figli della Notte. I ask for a room where the bottom is concern, since I've heard its the guard captain favorite. They offer me a very nice half elf lady to ride, with saddle, bridles and all stuff. I book for a pair of hours and really have a lot of fun. I'm afraid this kind of recreational activity is hard to find in Dunfold. I happily discover my leather vest fits my new body very well. When time's over i go back checking around.. No signs of Ectadon or Figli. But after some time, while I'm drinking a beer outside the place, delighted for my well spent 30 bucks, I hear Noise. A high-pitched disturbing voice demonstrates that Amandil is concerned. I enter back, discovering he's holding a party in the Figli's special room. And he's almost killed the woman in charge. However, this gives me time to investigate some more. But apart from Ectandon taste on hooks, no much more information is available.

Back home, we find Mark sleeping with us. He's running from his wife, 'cause he's too tired about sex. Amandil is a little upset about finding him naked in his room, so everybody is waken up and bedtime is delayed even this night. From our neighbor room no sound is coming this time. We sleep as well as in the temple.

Divino 22 migratorio 650 A.C.

At the morning Mark leaves and we prepare to start a new day. But on the doorsteps a surprise is found. Ruvax head is there and a threating paper ("Basta scherzare") is attached. The SN signature is clear: Shaddar Nur himself doesn't want us here. Ok is my point. I'll leave in a while. As i start packing, we are asked to visit Ectadon for some news.

We thought we know the news, but Ectadon has something else to tell. Figli have come to prison to kill "our" prisoners. The situation is terrible, since the "long knifes" night no explicit action had been taken by the Figli. Something must have upset them strongly.

While the others talk and argue on what to do, I buy some useful books: "10 ways to manage a Maniero", and "all the back hole fun". I start reading as we reach home, announcing I'll leave tomorrow. I'm around to discover a new style of riding, when the bell rings again. My gild officers have some offer for us..

Un nuovo gnomo

Lunare 21 migratorio 650 A.C.

I woke up in a big room with lots of strange smells.. Incense and other spicy expensive perfumes. Amandil, Ilirn and the woman where there smiling and me, and almost laughing. Some other gray monks where there.. All was colored and confusing.. The little gnome seemed the excited about the situation. As I tried to stand up very slowly, they started filling me up with questions.. When my turn came, i discovered I had died by Blasthas' green hands, and the pity monks had reincarnated me (i guess for a generous offer to the overwhelming Heironeus). Reincarnated? I suddenly looked around concerned, and i discovered my own body on another stand.. Oh no again.. What the hell have I become this time? I moved my legs and arms around and I discovered I was still very little.. From the large smile on Ilirn face I guessed the truth.. Gnome.. Me a gnome?

After a great effort in standing up, we decide to go home and keep my old body (You never know what can come useful in the future..). My companions inform me on the new events in the city: their ride the other night, and the "prisoner's" confessions. I listen but I don't care much. This city is too dangerous for me. I think I'd go back to Dunfold and work on the Maniero and on the Bar. I could teach something to little Tim and bring lot of money in our household safe.

I'm more interested in what Ilirn teaches me: with my own two tiny gnome hands, even if they're not as fast as my former ones, i can make some magic stuff! That's incredible: light, sounds, little tricks..But for limited times a day..

I choose a name for my last few days in this city: i will be David Garrick, Ilirn cousin.. oh hell.. I'll need to learn a new language.. Hope this gnomish sound better than halfling..

We pass the day helping Amandil dressing up: he wants to wear the Figli della Notte uniform, but it's so hot to touch.. With gloves and special tools we are able to dress him up, and he starts wondering around the city doing crazy things. I keep far from him, more concluded to leave the city as soon as possible.

Ilirn persuades me to make an exploration into a room. They recovered my body and put me back here, so it's seems it's my duty to help.. Moreover, all has been paid with the common money..

I'm not sure whose house this should be, they say it's Dartos..but I know the plan: Amandil, still dresses, would bring a woman out, and me and Ilirn would make a full search in the meanwhile. But when Amandil approaches the house to ask the woman out with all his authority(??), we discover that a man is inside too and that this isn't likely to be the real house of Dartos.

A more interesting trip leads us to the headquarters of my guild. There we receive a good payment for yesterday's work: 400 coins and promises of new tasks to come. At home, they remember they left a wooden box found in the criminals house.. It's very nice indeed: 300 golden coins, and two worthy gems.. And all goes in my pocket as common cash..Hmm I think that managing the Maniero a similar sum will be difficult to earn..

We come back home for lunch, and the bell rings..Our over blond Ruvax has some news?